Anthropomorphic axe with large blade, mailéla
Luba-Kalanga, D.R. Congo
Wood, iron, paint
Late 19th / early 20th century
Congolese axes with large and sometimes extremely exaggerated blades were rare and potent symbols of prestige and authority in southern D.R. Congo. Known as mailéla, they were used by the Songye-Sanga, the Luba-Kalanga, and the Lulua. Typical of the Luba variety is a cephalomorphic handle and a drawn-back hairstyle, both seen here (Elsen, De fer et de fierté, 2003).
Some examples have copper inserts added to the iron blade, and I believe the red trade paint applied to this blade is intended to imitate and invoke those prestigious additions.
16.5 in :: 42 cm
InventoryID #13-2133
Price on Request