Ilwoon or Ilondo Parade Sword
Kuba, D.R. Congo
Iron, wood
Early 20th century
Named Ilwoon or Ilondo, this ancient weapon of war became the quintessential parade accessory of notables and warriors. This symbolic sword was often kept in a fitted sewn raffia bag (ngum ilutoom), as it needed to be hidden on most occasions. The Ilwoon was frequently used in ceremonial contexts as an integral part of a dance costume, and dancers brandished these knives "as if to do battle with spirits in the air." The introduction of the Ilwoon is is attributed to King Shyaam aMbul aNgoong (Elsen, De fer et de fierté, 2003, Spring, African Arms and Armor, 1993).
This example has gorgeous, deep incising patterns, even though they are less discernable because of the heavy pitting. This piece is missing its iron ferrule, which would have been present near the joint of the blade and handle.
25.5 in :: 65 cm
InventoryID #13-2571
Price on Request