Ceremonial Adze Nsésu
Pende / Mbala, D.R. Congo
Iron, wood
Early-mid 20th century
Adzes of this type were the badges of office for men such as professional sculptors, chiefs, and priests. Worn over the shoulder and supported by one hand, they served to emphasize the special status of the owner. The iron blade with two points that curl outward is typical of the Pende; the adze blades of the Mbala and Suku are thicker and clearly distinct (Elsen, De Fer et De fierté, 2003; Roberts, Joyce, and Berns, eds, Striking Iron: The Art of African Blacksmiths, 2019; Westerdijk, African Metal Implements, 1984).
14.5 in :: 37 cm
InventoryID #13-2565