Curved Blade, ngondi
Yakoma / Sango / Ngbandi / Gbanziri / Mbugbu, D.R. Congo / Central African Republic
Iron, wood, brass, copper
This curved sword would have been a prestigious yet functional weapon used by the Yakoma, Ngbandi, Sango, Gbanziri, and Mbugbu. Unlike the smaller yet similar blades that appeared later and were used ceremonially, this blade was designed to be used. Indeed, the Yakoma were known to be audaciously brave and ferocious warriors. Amongst the Ngbandi, this blade was known as ngondi (Elsen, De fer et de fierté, 2003; Lefebvre, Ngbandi Yakoma, 2017).
Published: Lefebvre, Ngbandi Yakoma, 2017, plate 97.
21.5 in :: 55 cm
InventoryID #13-1207