Asymmetrical Discoid Knife Poko
Lele / Dzing / Mbuun / Yanzi, D.R. Congo
Iron, wood, accumulation
Early 20th century
This elegant knife is an impeccable demonstration of subtle asymmetry, a characteristic that is executed here with careful precision. The handle is almost completely evenly balanced, and the blade is placed to one side and is itself asymmetrical, but only slightly. This piece successfully conveys sophistication yet exists in the delicate middle-ground between balance and imbalance.
While there is little historical information about this type, it is clearly related to the other discoid knives of the Dzing, Mbuun, and Yanzi. Research suggests that those knives were used ceremonially, as prestige symbols and by medicine men (Berardi, Standing on Ceremony, 2004; Elsen, De fer et de fierté, 2003).
12.5 in :: 32 cm
InventoryID #13-1796