Throwing knife, gbo or ndundo
Mbanja, Central African Republic / D.R. Congo
Iron, vegetal fiber, rattan
19th century
Knives in this spectacular style were carried as emblems of prestige and as functional throwing knives among the Ngbaka Mabo, Nzombo, Ngbandi, Mbanja, Ngombe, Ngbundu, Gobu, Mono, and Banda. However, this rare substyle comes from either the eastern Ngbandi or western Mbanja, who called it gbo, bo (Ngbandi), ndundo, dondo, or ondo (Mbanja). The form likely originated from the Ngbandi, who reportedly armed themselves with such pieces during their second and final migration from their former homeland into what is now the Central African Republic circa 1700 (The African Throwing Knife, 1988).
From the collection of Jules Berton (1859-1903), a naval commissioner who was known for having married a Malinké princess by the name of Loti N'Dao in 1896.
16 in :: 40.5 cm
InventoryID #13-1912