Leather Shield
Sotik / Kisii, Tanzania / Kenya
Leather, wood
Late 19th / early 20th century
According to the inventory of the Viennese Museum of Ethnology, this shield type comes from the area of the Sotik and Kisii, a hilly region east of Lake Victoria on the border between Kenya and Tanzania. In his book Die Kilimandscharo-Be-völkerung, Widenmann refers to this type as a "Rombo" shield (1899). This type carries a powerful propeller-shaped wooden midrib with the handle in the center behind a central boss. The decorative lines worked into the front are only found on shields coming from cultures living south of the Nile region (Plaschke & Zirngibl, Afrikanische Schilde / African Shields, 1992).
36.25 in :: 92 cm
InventoryID #13-2453