Miniature Zoomorphic Pendants
Sao, Chad
12th - 14th century CE
The culture of the Sao on Lake Chad is regarded as one of the oldest in West Africa and also the oldest iron-working culture after the Nok. Although extensive archaeological and ethnohistorical material is available, it is still not possible to form a precise picture of the Sao people and their art. For the most part, the art treasures that have been unearthed in Sao towns consist of grave finds discovered beside or inside the huge clay vessels that served as a last place of rest. These are figures made of finely fired clay in human and animal form, and human figures and polymorphic beings made of bronze. Pieces of jewelry made of iron, brone, glass, and ivory were also found (Schaedler, Earth and Ore, 1997).
1.0625, 1.3125 in :: 2.7, 3.33 cm
InventoryID #13-2555
Not For Sale