Prestige Axe, ibia
Mfinu / Laali / Mboshi / Teke / Kuyu, Rep. of Congo / D.R. Congo / Gabon
Iron, wood, brass
Late 19th / early 20th century
This distinctive axe with its flaring blade and thick shaft was a status item wielded by Mfinu and Laali chiefs. It was also found among numerous other cultures including the Teke, Tsaayi, Kukuya, Mboshi, and Kuyu. It was an integral part of a chief’s ceremonial dress, as well an indicator of status (Elsen, De fer et de fierté, 2003).
The Mfinu number 10,000 – 15,000 and inhabit riverside forested land, as well as marshland and savanna. They have no paramount chief, but there are a number of independent chiefdoms. Chiefs are known as mbe, and are elected by village headmen, who themselves are chosen by clan leaders (Felix, 100 Peoples of Zaire and Their Sculpture, 1987).
Mounted on a custom display stand.
15.75 in :: 40 cm
InventoryID #13-2334
Price on Request