Prestige / Throwing Knife, Musri
Teda / Tubu-Daza / Zaghawa, Chad (Wadai / Ennedi / Borku Region) / Sudan
Iron, leather
Late 19th century
Known as Musri, these blades were primarily prestige emblems, but also functional weapons and throwing knives used by the Teda, Tubu-Daza, and Zaghawa. This example wears triangular incisions along the reverse of the top branch and stem, as described by Westerdijk: "Apart from rare adornments consisting of roughly incised crosshatching, usually applied to the reverse of the top branch only, the blades normally lack every form of ornamentation" (The African Throwing Knife, 1988).
Jan Elsen calls this type "the ultimate throwing knives of the North" (De fer et de fierté, 2003).
26.5 in :: 67.5 cm
InventoryID #13-1588
Not For Sale