Sika Blawa Prestige Object: Lalié Dagger in Sheath
Baule, Ivory Coast
Iron, wood, gold leaf
Early 20th century
This object, known as Sika Blawa, is a wooden sculpture covered in attractively-designed grooves that are designed to help a thin layer of gold leaf cling to the entire surface. When covered in gold leaf, the wood sculpture imitated a piece of solid gold, and was an object of high prestige. Such objects were brought out only at important ceremonial events, such as the funeral of a dignitary (, Object ao-0187393-001).
This piece represents a Lalié dagger adorned with two large spondylus shells. Interestingly, this piece isn't entirely skeuomorphic, as it has an iron blade. However, the blade was never sharpened and clearly never intended to be functional.
10 in :: 25.5 cm
InventoryID #13-2633