Ceremonial / Ritual Object in the form of a Throwing Knife, Hâ
Mbum, Cameroon
Iron, copper
Early 20th century
The existence of this type of knife was first reported in 1889, described as a throwing knife of an Mbum chief (Schurtz, Das Wurfmesser der Neger). They were recorded many times thereafter, described as throwing-knife-like objects that were purely ceremonial, and the prerogative of kings, chiefs, and village heads. While clearly resembling the form of a throwing knife, it is not clear from where that influence came; perhaps from the Laka to the north (whose territory the Mbum crossed) or from the Sangha to the east (Westerdijk, The African Throwing Knife, 1988).
18.25 in :: 46.5 cm
InventoryID #13-2611
Price on Request