Short Sword
Lese / Nande / Konjo, D.R. Congo / Uganda
Iron, wood
Mid 20th century
The Nande and Konjo number 70,000 and inhabit an area of mountainous rainforest and high altitude grasslands in far eastern D.R. Congo. Totemic clans and lineages are the basis of Nande society; there is no overall government, and decisions are made by the most powerful clan heads.
Nande sculpture is quite rare and also relatively diverse. Nande objects are primarily abstracted forms, often with concacve, heart-shaped faces. Objects associated with divination are often more cubistic and three-dimensional. Circumcision plays a significant role in Nande culture, but it is not clear if this knife-type was used as a circumcision knife or if it was reserved for other symbolic or functional purposes (Felix, 100 Peoples of Zaire and Their Sculpture, 1987).
17.5 in :: 44.5 cm
InventoryID #13-2340