Large Chief's Sword
So / Bango, D.R. Congo
Iron, wood
19th century
This huge sword served as a chief's emblem, and its impressive shape and size immeditaley conveys the authority of the person weilding it. A similar sword was used by the Ngombé, Doko, Ngandu, and Ntomba (one can be seen here). However, the So and Bango chiefs' swords are the most large and bombastic variations of the type.
Large swords of this type were precious and reserved only for chiefs. Their manufacture was abandonded before 1900. The long handle allows the blade to be gripped with two hands, like so many European swords, and unlike most African swords (Elsen, De fer et de fierté, 2003).
This example has three inventory numbers painted on it, two on the blade and one on the handle.
33.5 in :: 85 cm
InventoryID #13-2247